Method only to referenced - this is not a way hay - Lovelinux
(D) DoS-Deflate be a software that service làm to find, statistics of the IP access the system (sent email hàng loạt, ping DoS, các yêu cầu HTTP) through "netstat-au" statement. When it be found that one IP amount conect forward that too big it will automatically khối this IP.
(D) DoS-Deflate running on Linux, the installation of, the configuration, and use (D) DoS-Deflate very simple.
The steps installed and Configuration (D) DoS-Deflate:
setting installation
codes numbers:
chmod 0700
. /
Fixed it again file / usr / local / DDoS / ddos.conf
codes numbers:
vi / usr / local / DDoS / ddos.conf
Fixed it again all the information the number of: NO_OF_CONNECTIONS = 50 / / is the amount conect both Maximum allow from a IP addresses.
File start: / usr / local / DDoS /
Way to remove:
codes numbers:
chmod 0700 uninstall.ddos
. / uninstall.ddos
Chong HTTP DoS or DDoS attack in CentOS Linux OS
Way to resolve:
Users allow "Apache" can use iptables - qua sudoers - to Block the IP DDOS
Apache has a mod that mod_dosevasive
Configuration mod
codes numbers:
LoadModule dosevasive20_module modules/
codes numbers:
DOSHashTableSize 3097
DOSPageCount 2
DOSSiteCount 50
DOSPageInterval 1
DOSSiteInterval 1
DOSBlockingPeriod 10
# Customize - / usr / share / doc / mod_dosevasive / README
DOSWhitelist 192.168.1. *
DOSSystemCommand "sudo / sbin / iptables-A INPUT-s% s-j DROP"
Note line sudo / sbin / iptables-A INPUT-s% s-j DROP
tức are allowed to improve user Apache permitted to use iptables Block the IP is not valid
First then login must be on and allow this to use iptables using way
codes numbers:
vim / etc / sudoers
addition to this line
codes numbers:
apache ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: / sbin / iptables-A INPUT-s [. 0-9] *-j DROP
Configuration mod above with effect of the Block requirements IP on under the terms:
- Yêu cầu on together 1 trang more than 5 time / 1 sec
- Make 50 requirements in the same every con sec
- Make the requirements else when the cache into
(D) DoS-Deflate be a software that service làm to find, statistics of the IP access the system (sent email hàng loạt, ping DoS, các yêu cầu HTTP) through "netstat-au" statement. When it be found that one IP amount conect forward that too big it will automatically khối this IP.
(D) DoS-Deflate running on Linux, the installation of, the configuration, and use (D) DoS-Deflate very simple.
The steps installed and Configuration (D) DoS-Deflate:
setting installation
codes numbers:
chmod 0700
. /
Fixed it again file / usr / local / DDoS / ddos.conf
codes numbers:
vi / usr / local / DDoS / ddos.conf
Fixed it again all the information the number of: NO_OF_CONNECTIONS = 50 / / is the amount conect both Maximum allow from a IP addresses.
File start: / usr / local / DDoS /
Way to remove:
codes numbers:
chmod 0700 uninstall.ddos
. / uninstall.ddos
Chong HTTP DoS or DDoS attack in CentOS Linux OS
Way to resolve:
Users allow "Apache" can use iptables - qua sudoers - to Block the IP DDOS
Apache has a mod that mod_dosevasive
Configuration mod
codes numbers:
LoadModule dosevasive20_module modules/
codes numbers:
DOSHashTableSize 3097
DOSPageCount 2
DOSSiteCount 50
DOSPageInterval 1
DOSSiteInterval 1
DOSBlockingPeriod 10
# Customize - / usr / share / doc / mod_dosevasive / README
DOSWhitelist 192.168.1. *
DOSSystemCommand "sudo / sbin / iptables-A INPUT-s% s-j DROP"
Note line sudo / sbin / iptables-A INPUT-s% s-j DROP
tức are allowed to improve user Apache permitted to use iptables Block the IP is not valid
First then login must be on and allow this to use iptables using way
codes numbers:
vim / etc / sudoers
addition to this line
codes numbers:
apache ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: / sbin / iptables-A INPUT-s [. 0-9] *-j DROP
Configuration mod above with effect of the Block requirements IP on under the terms:
- Yêu cầu on together 1 trang more than 5 time / 1 sec
- Make 50 requirements in the same every con sec
- Make the requirements else when the cache into