Other Linux Server window, window, use the remote desktop, linux server used to run own web host usually set text mode and user-defined resource reduction ssh instead. Steps to ssh into the server management commands.
You download putty according to the link below:
download here
Step 1: After enabling program putty.exe
Window will appear the following interface
Step 2: You need to enter the ip of the server to ssh, eg: Get open to the open connection is usually the default port is 22, however if you change the ssh port, then you need to change the port.
Step 3: After logging rate import user interfaces,
login as you enter user root root -> enter
Appears next asked to enter a password, enter the password to note that other linux display blank pass with **** the win so you just entered. Either copy paste
Step 4: after successful login will look like the picture below
The commands used in ssh:
#service httpd restart // giải phóng request apache
#service mysqld restart // giải phóng process mysql
1. Commands related to system
Exit: exit the command line window.
logout: same exit.
reboot: reboot the system.
halt: shutdown.
startx: XWindows boot mode from the terminal window.
mount: mounting file system from a storage device into the main directory tree.
unmount: mount opposite.
/ Usr / bin / system-config-securitylevel-tui: Configure firewall and SELinux
2. Order information
cat / proc / cpuinfo: CPU specifications
cat / proc / meminfo: Memory and information page
lspci: View mainboard
uname-r: View kernels
gcc-v: Compiler version I have installed.
/ Sbin / ifconfig: View your IP address.
netstat: see all the connections.
lsmod: What kernel module is loaded
last: see who has logged into the system
df: View the amount of hard drive
free-m: view the amount of memory used
netstat-an | grep: 80 | wc-l: how many connections to port 80
3. Commands that manipulate files
ls: get a list of all the files and folders in the current directory.
pwd: Export path of the working directory.
cd: change the working directory to a new directory.
mkdir: create a new folder.
rmdir: delete empty folders.
cp: copy one or more files to the new folder.
mv: rename or move files and folders.
rm: delete the file.
wc: count the number of lines, number of characters ... in the file.
touch: create a file.
cat: see the file.
en: start the vi text editor.
df: check disk capacity.
travel: see the disk space used for a certain file
tar-cvzpf archive.tgz / home / example / public_html / folder: compressing a folder
tar-tzf backup.tar.gz: list archive gz
tar-xvf archive.tar: unzip a tar file
unzip file.zip: unzip the file. zip
wget: download a file.
chown user: user folder /-R: Change the owner of the entire directory on the file.
tail 100 log.log: View 100 last line of log.log file.
4. When working in a terminal command
clear: remove the white command line window.
date: date, time system.
find / usr / share / zoneinfo / | grep-i pst: the zone.
ln-f-s / usr / share / zoneinfo / Asia / Ho_Chi_Minh / etc / localtime: Change the server time zone timezone Vietnam
date-s "1 Oct 2009 18:00:00": Tools now
cal: see calendar system.
5. Order management system
rpm: check the package installed or not, or install a package, or used to remove a package.
ps: check the system processes running.
kill: stop the process when the process crashes. Only a super-user can stop all of the normal process and the user can only stop the process that would be.
top: shows the operation of the process, especially information about system resources and the use of resources of each process.
pstree: shows all processes as a tree.
sleep: for the system to stop functioning for a period of time.
useradd: create a new user.
groupadd: create a new user group.
passwd: change the password for the user.
Userdel: remove the user has created.
groupdel: delete user created group.
gpasswd: change the password of a user group.
su: allows login as another user.
groups: group show of the current user.
who: to know who is logged on the system.
w: like the who command.
man: see instructions on command line syntax, the parameters ...
Tag: SSH using PuTTy | Software Putty | Putty
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