
1.Web Server?

Web Server (Web server): computer on which to install the software for the Web, sometimes also called the Web Server software.
All Web Server understand and run the *. Htm and *. Html, but each Web Server to serve some specific file types such as Microsoft's IIS *. Asp, *. Aspx. ..; Apache for *. php ...; Sun Java System Web Server of SUN for *. jsp ...

2.To select your webserver?

Depending on the web programming language that we will select the appropriate webserver. To install the webserver running PHP, we use Apache.

A webserver that can run PHP applications must exist the following basic components: Apache - PHP - MySQL. A few years ago we would have to install separate parts to run PHP applications but now the webserver package just installed once all the basic components such as: AppServ - WAMP - XAMPP ... you can choose one of the packages to install webserver that can run PHP applications

I would like to send XAMPP webserver package for the following reasons:
- In addition to supporting the basic components such as: Apache - PHP - MySQL - phpMyAdmin. Xamp also supports other components which some other webserver does not have as Webmail - FTP - SSL - Perl
- Usage of XAMPP easily
- Full support for PHP extension libraries and integrate PEAR library (See more at http://pear.php.net/)

3.Install XAMPP

When I made this post XAMPP v1.7.3 version but this version use PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.3 has some bugs, in addition to a host does not support PHP 5.3, so I will guide you install version 1.7.1 is a version that runs pretty stable on the source Joomla! Zend Framework, Drupal ...

You can download XAMPP v1.7.1 here

After downloading you run xampp-win32-1.7.1-Installer.exe

Nhấn nút ok để tiếp tục

select  Next

Select the drive and folder where you installed XAMPP and then click Next

We should just check the red zone while the rest should not be marked as if marking services such as Apache - MySQL - Filezilla will be run when you start Windows. In my experience you should only run XAMPP when we want to run the PHP script only.

The installation of XAMPP

The installation of XAMPP

After our installation is complete, click Finish to complete the installation process.
When you click the Finish button will pop up a window asking us to run XAMPP now. We select Yes to start the XAMPP control panel
To run webserver and PHP script we click the Start button next to Apache and MySQL. We will be as shown below

Normally the first click on the Start button we usually get a message window.

Select Unblock.
Click the Admin button next to the main page of the Apache webserver and click on the MySQL Admin button next to the phpMyAdmin (MySQL management through the web interface)
When you click on the Admin button next to our Apache web interface as follows

To view information about your PHP click phpinfo () and phpMyAdmin to manage MySQL over the web interface.
- To get to the XAMPP we can type on the browser http://localhost/
- To close the panel of XAMPP, click on the Close button. Xampp will temporarily hide Window to Tray (lower right corner of the Window)
- When you need to open the control panel we just need to click the icon in the System Tray of Windows
- To exit XAMPP we first hit the Stop button next to Apache and MySQL then click the Exit button

4.Configured to run. Htaccess on Webserver
Click on the XAMPP icon in Window's Tray

- Click the Explore button to the XAMPP installation folder
- Open the httpd.conf file in any text editor (eg: Notepad) in apacheconf folder (Eg: if you install the guidance it will be D: xampapacheconf)
- Press Ctrl + F to show the table into the word "rewrite" to find the htaccess configuration
- Remove the hash sign (#) before the line "LoadModule rewrite_module modules / mod_rewrite.so".

Then save the file httpd.conf
Restart the webserver. Open the control panel press the Stop button next to Apache and MySQL then click the Exit button.
Then restart xampp

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