Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts


This tutorial will show you how to create a simple effect for natural images using some special flash tricks. This tutorial made ​​in Flash CS5, there may be a few differences if you are using Flash version
step 1
Save the image below to start using for this tutorial, it will be used as the flash.

step 2

Create a new flash document. Press Ctrl + J key on the keyboard (Document Properties) and set the width of the file is 440px, height is 275px. Choose any background color and set the frame rate of Flash 62 and then click OK.
step 3
Name the current layer photo. Double click on it and change the default name (Layer 1) photo. Press Enter after you have typed in the new name.

step 4
Choose File> Import> Import to stage (Ctrl + R) and import the image you just save as in step 1 of the Flash workspace.

Select the image you just imported, go to the Align Panel (Ctrl + K) and do turn the following options:
- Make sure the Align to Stage box is selected.
- Click on the Align horizontal center button
- Click Align vertical centerh button.

step 5
While still photos, press F8 key (Convert to Symbol) to convert it to a Movie Clip.

step 6
Click on Frame 70 and press F6.
step 7
Back to the first frame, use the Selection Tool (V) and click once on the image to select it. In the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) in the right part of the Flash workspace, select Filters in the bottom of the area. Click the Add Filter icon in the bottom left corner of the panel and choose Blur, then make the following adjustments:

step 8
Click again on the Add icon and select Adjust Color filter. Continue to make the following adjustments:

step 9
Click on any location in the gray area between frame 1 and 70 on the timeline and choose Create Classic Tween from the menu that appears. 

step 10
To file has stopped running, you create a new layer and name it action by clicking on the New Layer icon at the bottom left corner of the Timeline panel. Rename the layer to action similar to renaming the photo layer.
step 11

In Frame 70 of the layer action, press F6 to create a keyframe. Continue to press F9 to open the ActionScript window. Enter the following code into the Script window:
stop ();
Close the ActionScript window. Press Ctrl + Enter to enjoy achievements.

Talking about DDos problem, perhaps it would be difficult to make sure that how we can secure 100% before this problem. Because there are so many possible ways to attack dos, ddos, flood, Slowloris ... as well as it comes with a different intensity. So TechBlog solutions presented below will help you in some certain cases only. However, it also will help you strengthen the security of your webserver.
1.DDos restrictions: Dos Deflate
Install Firewall Dos Deflate:

#cd download
#wget <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
#chmod 0700
After successful installation, you can configure the firewall using the command:
#nano /user/local/ddos/ddos.conf
This is the configuration file of the firewall, the basic content will be as follows:
 FREQ=1 // off/ on Firewall (0=off, 1=on)
NO_OF_CONNECTIONS=50 // max connect from 1 IP to server
KILL=1 // tắt/bật (0=off, 1= on)
BAN_PERIOD=600 // time ban IP  600s

2.Apache Mod Antiddos: mod_dosevasive

Install mod_dosevasive:

#up2date -i httpd-devel
#cd /usr/src
#tar xfz mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz
#cd mod_evasive
#$APACHE_ROOT/bin/apxs -cia mod_evasive20.c

Find the httpd.conf file and add the following text:

<IfModule mod_dosevasive20.c>
DOSHashTableSize 3097
DOSPageCount 2
DOSSiteCount 50
DOSPageInterval 1
DOSSiteInterval 1
DOSBlockingPeriod 300

Then save and restart apache with the following command:
#service httpd restart


#/etc/init.d/httpd restart

3.Install and configure iptables:

Referral information, installing, using TechBlog was presented in detail in the article Configuring Firewall iptables on CentOS / Redhat. In the case of anti ddos, we are only interested in some of the basic rules are as follows:

#Limit the number of incoming tcp connections
#Interface 0 incoming syn-flood protection
#iptables -N syn_flood
#iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -j syn_flood
#iptables -A syn_flood -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 3 -j RETURN
#iptables -A syn_flood -j DROP

4.Install mod_antiloris for Apache: mod_antiloris effect limited connection of every IP requests to the webserver.

#tar -jxvf mod_antiloris-0.3.tar.bz2
#cd mod_antiloris-0.3
#sudo /wwwroot/apache2/bin/apxs -a -i -c mod_antiloris.c
#sudo /etc/inid.d/http restart

So basically we have equipped a number of configurations, firewall against DDos. But try to monitor your system regularly to be able to offer appropriate solutions from time to time.

1.Web Server?

Web Server (Web server): computer on which to install the software for the Web, sometimes also called the Web Server software.
All Web Server understand and run the *. Htm and *. Html, but each Web Server to serve some specific file types such as Microsoft's IIS *. Asp, *. Aspx. ..; Apache for *. php ...; Sun Java System Web Server of SUN for *. jsp ...

2.To select your webserver?

Depending on the web programming language that we will select the appropriate webserver. To install the webserver running PHP, we use Apache.

A webserver that can run PHP applications must exist the following basic components: Apache - PHP - MySQL. A few years ago we would have to install separate parts to run PHP applications but now the webserver package just installed once all the basic components such as: AppServ - WAMP - XAMPP ... you can choose one of the packages to install webserver that can run PHP applications

I would like to send XAMPP webserver package for the following reasons:
- In addition to supporting the basic components such as: Apache - PHP - MySQL - phpMyAdmin. Xamp also supports other components which some other webserver does not have as Webmail - FTP - SSL - Perl
- Usage of XAMPP easily
- Full support for PHP extension libraries and integrate PEAR library (See more at

3.Install XAMPP

When I made this post XAMPP v1.7.3 version but this version use PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.3 has some bugs, in addition to a host does not support PHP 5.3, so I will guide you install version 1.7.1 is a version that runs pretty stable on the source Joomla! Zend Framework, Drupal ...

You can download XAMPP v1.7.1 here

After downloading you run xampp-win32-1.7.1-Installer.exe

Nhấn nút ok để tiếp tục

select  Next

Select the drive and folder where you installed XAMPP and then click Next

We should just check the red zone while the rest should not be marked as if marking services such as Apache - MySQL - Filezilla will be run when you start Windows. In my experience you should only run XAMPP when we want to run the PHP script only.

The installation of XAMPP

The installation of XAMPP

After our installation is complete, click Finish to complete the installation process.
When you click the Finish button will pop up a window asking us to run XAMPP now. We select Yes to start the XAMPP control panel
To run webserver and PHP script we click the Start button next to Apache and MySQL. We will be as shown below

Normally the first click on the Start button we usually get a message window.

Select Unblock.
Click the Admin button next to the main page of the Apache webserver and click on the MySQL Admin button next to the phpMyAdmin (MySQL management through the web interface)
When you click on the Admin button next to our Apache web interface as follows

To view information about your PHP click phpinfo () and phpMyAdmin to manage MySQL over the web interface.
- To get to the XAMPP we can type on the browser http://localhost/
- To close the panel of XAMPP, click on the Close button. Xampp will temporarily hide Window to Tray (lower right corner of the Window)
- When you need to open the control panel we just need to click the icon in the System Tray of Windows
- To exit XAMPP we first hit the Stop button next to Apache and MySQL then click the Exit button

4.Configured to run. Htaccess on Webserver
Click on the XAMPP icon in Window's Tray

- Click the Explore button to the XAMPP installation folder
- Open the httpd.conf file in any text editor (eg: Notepad) in apacheconf folder (Eg: if you install the guidance it will be D: xampapacheconf)
- Press Ctrl + F to show the table into the word "rewrite" to find the htaccess configuration
- Remove the hash sign (#) before the line "LoadModule rewrite_module modules /".

Then save the file httpd.conf
Restart the webserver. Open the control panel press the Stop button next to Apache and MySQL then click the Exit button.
Then restart xampp

DB-HTML Converter PRO is a tool to create web pages and HTML reports from database as Dbase, Paradox, Fox Pro, MS Access, DB2, Informix, InterBase, MS SQL, Oracle, Sybase, ...
No need to add HTML editor, you can create many websites that link to bring up the web server or viewed with your favorite browser.

• Take advantage of new Windows capabilities and technologies (BDE - Borland Database Engine; Browsers - Browser independent document).
• Maintain data and automatically creates an HTML document to minimize the time to create the site.
• The process of creating web pages and HTML reports a simple, quick. You can select the data to begin creating the HTML file for that data.
• Provide more flexible function in the process of publishing via the internet (intranet).
• Allows creation of an independent website with menus, headers, footers, graphics, colors, ...
• Accept your templates for web documents.
- CPU: PC 386 or higher.
- RAM: 2MB.
- Color screen.
- Hard disk space: 400kb.
Instructions for installing the software:
After you download the trial version of Organizer Deluxe or Pro on the server, take the following steps:
1. Unzip the file and run Setup.exe on the SERVER. Install it on the drives can be accessed from other systems. If installing from a CD, just run Setup.exe on the SERVER.
2. On SERVER, search directory Organizer and run bdesetup.exe. If you do not have this file, download and unzip the folder.
3. Follow all steps of Bdesetup.
4. On each system will access the Organizer, go to the Organizer folder on the server to the local drive when run bdesetup program (for example, Z :) via Windows Explorer (Tools / Map Network Drive).
5. Create a shortcut on the Desktop to file Deluxe.exe or Orgpro.exe on the server for each system.
6. Try running the Organizer from the system. If it works, then you have completed the process.
7. If not, select the Organizer folder and double click file Bde32.reg (transplant them into the registry).

Adobe Proto lets users create wireframe for websites and applications on the tablet.
The application supports interactive wireframe designs and prototypes for websites and mobile applications a convenient way to manipulate simple touch.

Wireframe outline the layout of the website and mobile applications to manipulate simple touch on the touch screen
Insert interactive wireframe components from the toolbox, including menus, tabs and quickly record design ideas

Build wireframe CSS grid system using familiar
Take advantage of the WebKit preview and jQuery support
Upload files to Adobe Creative Cloud and access it from desktop to manipulate more on Adobe Creative Suite or share with your friends

If you regularly work with various programming languages ​​such as ASP, PHP, Java, C #, Python, JSP, ... then instead of using the editor, you can use an editor that supports all languages​​. Presenting you Notepad + + (not Windows Notepad), a program that can meet the requirements, to assist you in drafting language above.

After running the program, you want to use the language, the Language menu, select the language you use.
This program also has many features similar to EditPlus but there are many better advantages such as the ability to collapse the code: the program will display a minus sign (-) in front of a block of code, when you click on the minus sign, it will turn into a plus sign (+) and the block of code that will be compact.
Also, if you type cheese vietnamese you just go to Menu> Encode in UTF-8 is English will show 100% accurate.
One thing is quite interesting is that Notepad + + is a software open source, if you like and are interested you can fully edit the source code of it to personalize or rely on it to write a text editor of your .


Guidance installed and use of ProShow Gold - Edit and designed the image

The photographs not only save those memorable moments of your hard drive or uploaded online virtual album, but also can be used to create stunning photo slideshows.

Called ProShow Producer tools in that remarkable ability to turn a collection of digital photos into a slideshow as a flash file legendary excellence. The program allows you to create advanced presentation masterpieces and impressive level of professionalism, a strong impact on the viewer.

ProShow Producer's interface is very easy to use menus and toolbar layout above. Directory tree located on the left window functions preview the image, to the right is the preview window. The bottom is where the included images to create a slideshow

Also its products Photodex and slideshow functions, but ProShow Producer has a full complement, and more features for users whether they are professional people or students must be recognized that a graphics software best performance and ease of use.

Using ProShow Producer absolutely no problem, just seven steps performed on the features of the program:
1. (Layers)
- Add unlimited layers to any slide.
- Drag and drop to easily add content to a slideshow.
- Supports over 100 file types, which support the RAW file format of some type of camera, digital video camera.
- Transparency support for PSD, PNG, TIFF and GIF.
- Turn any layer into a mask (mask) to conceal or reveal part of the underlying layers.
- Add color gradient (gradient) or heterogeneous (solid) on a slide layer to produce very strange results.
- There are many transition effects for individual layers.
- Help make faster and more easily using the slide show templates available.
- Easily restore lost files or move from one slide with the new Find Missing Files feature. Imaging allows the frame to slide into a JPEG for printing.

2. Editorial images (Edit)
- There are tools to sharpen image correction, color correction ...
- Create picture frames, Border for pictures or videos with the new textures.
- Create effects movie-style opening (Hollywood-Style) with the new Chroma Key Transparency tool.
- Allow editing opacity (opacity) for any layer on a slide.
- Create your photo slideshow depth by adjusting the color and opacity of a shadow on any layer on a slide.
- Crop and rotate photos or videos correctly.
- Support tools to remove red-eye photos.
3. Motions (Motions)
- Add motion like objects (pan), zoom (zoom) and turn (rotate) for any layer on a slide, the same as in film.
- Zoom 2 X and Y axes on the screen for a particular class.
- Create complex motion paths by setting the key points on the time slider frame.
- You can preview the slide, allowing to accurately position your photos and videos on a slide. To control the timing shown by a progress bar (Slide Timeline) in ProShow Producer 3.0. Can switch between list view interface usually (Slide List) and the form of Timeline view to precisely synchronize audio with certain scenes in the slideshow.
4. The captions (Captions)
- Allows you to select the font, font size and color of captions (caption) on the slide. Animate your captions with more effects are excellent, superior to the previous version. There are many new caption styles, caption line spacing and features characters caption.
- Add interactive captions to launch actions like Pause, Resume - Resume, Performance Next - Next Slide, Performing previous Previous Slide, Write Email - Email ... and more.
5. Music and Audio (Music and Sounds)
- Drag and drop audio files to MP3 or WAV file to your show.
- Save an audio track directly from a CD and drop it into the slideshow.
- Crop and creating sound effects (effect) by the built-in Audio Trimmer, integrated waveform of the audio tracks in the slide list.
6. Wallpapers (Backgrounds)
- You can use the uniform color, the color gradients (gradients), or video as the background for the slideshow. You can also use the built-in backgrounds available programs.
- Allows to control the adjustment levels of your background content.
7. The output format
- Autorun CD (CD autorun).
- File run the EXE.
- Share your slideshow via email, free online sharing and slideshow on the web.
- Streaming Flash video.
- Compressed AVI (compressed AVI) or Uncompressed AVI (uncompressed AVI).
- Quicktime video (MOV).
- High Definition Video (HD), Windows Media Video (WMV).
- MPEG 1 and MPEG 2.
- The screen saver (Screensaver).
After using these features to create a photo slide show from the photo is selected, you download slide to YouTube and to share with you everywhere.

Tag: ProShow Producer, Proshow Gold ,


Other Linux Server window, window, use the remote desktop, linux server used to run own web host usually set text mode and user-defined resource reduction ssh instead. Steps to ssh into the server management commands.
You download putty according to the link below:
download here 

Step 1: After enabling program putty.exe
Window will appear the following interface

Step 2: You need to enter the ip of the server to ssh, eg: Get open to the open connection is usually the default port is 22, however if you change the ssh port, then you need to change the port.

Step 3: After logging rate import user interfaces,
login as you enter user root root -> enter
Appears next asked to enter a password, enter the password to note that other linux display blank pass with **** the win so you just entered. Either copy paste

Step 4: after successful login will look like the picture below

The commands used in ssh:

#service httpd restart  // giải phóng request apache
#service mysqld restart // giải phóng process mysql

1. Commands related to system

Exit: exit the command line window.
logout: same exit.
reboot: reboot the system.
halt: shutdown.
startx: XWindows boot mode from the terminal window.
mount: mounting file system from a storage device into the main directory tree.
unmount: mount opposite.
/ Usr / bin / system-config-securitylevel-tui: Configure firewall and SELinux
2. Order information
cat / proc / cpuinfo: CPU specifications
cat / proc / meminfo: Memory and information page
lspci: View mainboard
uname-r: View kernels
gcc-v: Compiler version I have installed.
/ Sbin / ifconfig: View your IP address.
netstat: see all the connections.
lsmod: What kernel module is loaded
last: see who has logged into the system
df: View the amount of hard drive
free-m: view the amount of memory used
netstat-an | grep: 80 | wc-l: how many connections to port 80
3. Commands that manipulate files
ls: get a list of all the files and folders in the current directory.
pwd: Export path of the working directory.
cd: change the working directory to a new directory.
mkdir: create a new folder.
rmdir: delete empty folders.
cp: copy one or more files to the new folder.
mv: rename or move files and folders.
rm: delete the file.
wc: count the number of lines, number of characters ... in the file.
touch: create a file.
cat: see the file.
en: start the vi text editor.
df: check disk capacity.
travel: see the disk space used for a certain file
tar-cvzpf archive.tgz / home / example / public_html / folder: compressing a folder
tar-tzf backup.tar.gz: list archive gz
tar-xvf archive.tar: unzip a tar file
unzip unzip the file. zip
wget: download a file.
chown user: user folder /-R: Change the owner of the entire directory on the file.
tail 100 log.log: View 100 last line of log.log file.
4. When working in a terminal command
clear: remove the white command line window.
date: date, time system.
find / usr / share / zoneinfo / | grep-i pst: the zone.
ln-f-s / usr / share / zoneinfo / Asia / Ho_Chi_Minh / etc / localtime: Change the server time zone timezone Vietnam
date-s "1 Oct 2009 18:00:00": Tools now
cal: see calendar system.
5. Order management system
rpm: check the package installed or not, or install a package, or used to remove a package.
ps: check the system processes running.
kill: stop the process when the process crashes. Only a super-user can stop all of the normal process and the user can only stop the process that would be.
top: shows the operation of the process, especially information about system resources and the use of resources of each process.
pstree: shows all processes as a tree.
sleep: for the system to stop functioning for a period of time.
useradd: create a new user.
groupadd: create a new user group.
passwd: change the password for the user.
Userdel: remove the user has created.
groupdel: delete user created group.
gpasswd: change the password of a user group.
su: allows login as another user.
groups: group show of the current user.
who: to know who is logged on the system.
w: like the who command.
man: see instructions on command line syntax, the parameters ...
Tag: SSH using PuTTy  | Software Putty | Putty 


The advantage of combining software jDownloader and Alldebrid account?
        JDownloader software is a free software to speed up download and allows pre-loaded with a list of links to download, instead of doing the link for each one. perform additional write a plugin aldebrid to the JDownloader software, allows you to load account to JDownloader software to download automatically without having to login to your account in website Alldebrid. com. This method is the same as the load accounts Hotfile, Fileserve, Filesonic Internet Download Manager software.
      The advantage of combining software JDownloader and Alldebrid account of it when download link any, JDownloader request Alldebrid of request provided, this will minimize the status of the link beyond the time allowed that to perform the download again.

Guide software updates account Alldebrid to JDownloader
To update account Alldebrid the software JDownloader you follow these steps:
Step 1: To install the software JDownloader
You download the software JDownloader (free) the latest version  LINK
Step 2: Update the software plugin for JDownloader
You download nightly.rar file here : Link 1    Link 2
Extract nightly.rar file JDownloader installation folder (C: Program FilesJDownloader)
To the installation directory and click on file nightly.bat to make updates to the plugin for JDownloader. The update will take place in about 30-60 minutes and in the process of updating the plugin you will see the following two frames:

update Plugin nightly Alldebrid va Jdownloader

update Plugin nightly Alldebrid va Jdownloader

However, you do not need to perform the update plugin takes more time, because I've done this update helps you. You download the file below here following JDownloader.rar on your computer. Then made ​​to extract and copy all the files and folders in the JDownloader directory to override the install directory C: Program FilesJdownloader

Step 3: Assign your account Alldebrid software JDownloader
You open the JDownloader software and follow the instructions as shown below to enter your username and password alldebrid account

1.Settings> 2.Hosts => Accounts> 3.Add Account> 4.Bam the arrow in the box to the Host> 5 option> 6 +7 Complete user account and password your Aldebrid

jdownloader va alldebrid

jdownloader va alldebrid

Bước 4. Đưa links vào JDownloader để thực hiện download
 Bấm vào thẻ Links > Add Links > Add links
jdownloader va alldebrid

jdownloader va alldebrid