
DB-HTML Converter PRO is a tool to create web pages and HTML reports from database as Dbase, Paradox, Fox Pro, MS Access, DB2, Informix, InterBase, MS SQL, Oracle, Sybase, ...
No need to add HTML editor, you can create many websites that link to bring up the web server or viewed with your favorite browser.

• Take advantage of new Windows capabilities and technologies (BDE - Borland Database Engine; Browsers - Browser independent document).
• Maintain data and automatically creates an HTML document to minimize the time to create the site.
• The process of creating web pages and HTML reports a simple, quick. You can select the data to begin creating the HTML file for that data.
• Provide more flexible function in the process of publishing via the internet (intranet).
• Allows creation of an independent website with menus, headers, footers, graphics, colors, ...
• Accept your templates for web documents.
- CPU: PC 386 or higher.
- RAM: 2MB.
- Color screen.
- Hard disk space: 400kb.
Instructions for installing the software:
After you download the trial version of Organizer Deluxe or Pro on the server, take the following steps:
1. Unzip the file and run Setup.exe on the SERVER. Install it on the drives can be accessed from other systems. If installing from a CD, just run Setup.exe on the SERVER.
2. On SERVER, search directory Organizer and run bdesetup.exe. If you do not have this file, download and unzip the folder.
3. Follow all steps of Bdesetup.
4. On each system will access the Organizer, go to the Organizer folder on the server to the local drive when run bdesetup program (for example, Z :) via Windows Explorer (Tools / Map Network Drive).
5. Create a shortcut on the Desktop to file Deluxe.exe or Orgpro.exe on the server for each system.
6. Try running the Organizer from the system. If it works, then you have completed the process.
7. If not, select the Organizer folder and double click file Bde32.reg (transplant them into the registry).

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